ADOBE INDESIGN PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE PROVIDER REPORT PUBLICATION NAME: OBPG FP OrangeDoForYou May 17 08.indd PACKAGE DATE: 5/14/2008 3:56 PM Creation Date: 5/12/2008 Modification Date: 5/14/2008 CONTACT INFORMATION Company Name: Nine Ten Creative/Ayers Advertising Contact: Amanda Salazar Address: Phone: 303 885 2101 Fax: 303 957 5667 Email: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER NOTES Contact me with any questions or concerns regarding the printing of this file. External Plug-ins 1 INBOOKLET SE.4X.PLN Non Opaque Objects :On Page1 FONTS 15 Fonts Used; 0 Missing, 2 Embedded, 0 Incomplete, 0 Protected Fonts Packaged - Name: ArialNarrow; Type: OpenType TrueType, Status: OK - Name: BerlinSansFB-Bold; Type: OpenType TrueType, Status: OK - Name: BerlinSansFB-Reg; Type: OpenType TrueType, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-Black; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-BlackCondObl; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-BoldCond; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-BoldCondObl; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-Condensed; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-ExtBlackCond; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: HelveticaNeue-HeavyExt; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: MyriadPro-BlackCond; Type: OpenType Type 1, Status: OK - Name: Univers-Bold; Type: ???, Status: Embedded - Name: Univers-Condensed; Type: Type 1, Status: OK - Name: Univers-CondensedBold; Type: ???, Status: Embedded - Name: Univers-CondensedBold; Type: Type 1, Status: OK COLORS AND INKS 4 Process Inks; 0 Spot Inks - Name and Type: Process Cyan; Angle: 0.000; Lines/Inch: 0.000 - Name and Type: Process Magenta; Angle: 0.000; Lines/Inch: 0.000 - Name and Type: Process Yellow; Angle: 0.000; Lines/Inch: 0.000 - Name and Type: Process Black; Angle: 0.000; Lines/Inch: 0.000 LINKS AND IMAGES (Missing & Embedded Links Only) Links and Images: 36 Links Found; 0 Modified, 0 Missing Images: 0 Embedded, 1 use RGB color space PRINT SETTINGS PPD: N/A, (Fax) Printing To: Printer Number of Copies: 1 Reader Spreads: No Even/Odd Pages: Both Pages: All Proof: No Tiling: None Scale: 100%, 100% Page Position: Upper Left Printer's Marks: None Bleed: 0 in, 0 in, 0 in, 0 in Color: Composite RGB Trapping Mode: None Send Image Data: Optimized Subsampling OPI/DCS Image Replacement: No Page Size: Custom: 11.624 in x 21 in Paper Dimensions: 8.5 in x 11 in Orientation: Portrait Negative: No Flip Mode: Off FILE PACKAGE LIST 1. OBPG FP OrangeDoForYou May 17 08.indd; type: Adobe InDesign publication; size: 7144K 2. ARIALN.TTF; type: Font file; size: 131K 3. BRLNSB.TTF; type: Font file; size: 94K 4. BRLNSR.TTF; type: Font file; size: 95K 5. HelveNeuBla.PFB; type: Font file; size: 29K 6. HelveNeuBla.pfm; type: Font file; size: 1K 7. HelveNeuBlaConObl.PFB; type: Font file; size: 44K 8. HelveNeuBlaConObl.pfm; type: Font file; size: 0K 9. HelveNeuBolCon.PFB; type: Font file; size: 28K 10. HelveNeuBolCon.pfm; type: Font file; size: 0K 11. HelveNeuBolConObl.PFB; type: Font file; size: 38K 12. HelveNeuBolConObl.pfm; type: Font file; size: 0K 13. HelveNeuCon.PFB; type: Font file; size: 27K 14. HelveNeuCon.pfm; type: Font file; size: 0K 15. HelveNeuExtBlaCon.PFB; type: Font file; size: 31K 16. HelveNeuExtBlaCon.pfm; type: Font file; size: 0K 17. HelveNeuHeaExt.PFB; type: Font file; size: 29K 18. HelveNeuHeaExt.pfm; type: Font file; size: 1K 19. MyriadPro-BlackCond.otf; type: Font file; size: 92K 20. UVC_____.PFB; type: Font file; size: 31K 21. UVC_____.PFM; type: Font file; size: 1K 22. UVCB____.PFB; type: Font file; size: 33K 23. UVCB____.PFM; type: Font file; size: 1K 24. 04BUI_RendezvousC5Dr26_C.eps; type: Linked file; size: 2672K 25. 07 GMC Sierra Ext Cab.psd; type: Linked file; size: 25448K 26. 07 GMC Sierra reg cab.psd; type: Linked file; size: 24814K 27. 07 GMC Yukon.psd; type: Linked file; size: 11414K 28. 07 Pontiac G6 Sedan.psd; type: Linked file; size: 4484K 29. 08 Buick Enclave.psd; type: Linked file; size: 16051K 30. 08 Buick Lucerne.psd; type: Linked file; size: 30299K 31. 08 GMC Envoy.psd; type: Linked file; size: 1895K 32. 08BUCB08031-bk.eps; type: Linked file; size: 8853K 33. 08BUI_LaCrosseSup4Dr24_C.psd; type: Linked file; size: 8838K 34. 08VKW_Rabbit4DRHa4Dr0_C.eps; type: Linked file; size: 2579K 35. 09 Pontiac Vibe.psd; type: Linked file; size: 4539K 36. GM5Yr100KWarranty.eps; type: Linked file; size: 818K 37. GMC Logo; type: Linked file; size: 1093K 38. OBPG-Orange.eps; type: Linked file; size: 674K 39. Orange Face -; type: Linked file; size: 427K 40. Orange Face; type: Linked file; size: 314K 41. OrangeMap -; type: Linked file; size: 340K 42. Pontiac Designed for Action.eps; type: Linked file; size: 5794K